Happy New Year’s – What a Year to Remember 2013!

I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year’s! 

It’s been an amazing year for me in terms of reaching out, meeting lots of you in person at book signings, speeches, events, and online.

Kailin Gow Signs Book at Asian Heritage Week Signing Wearing Snowflake Necklace  Kailin Gow with Blogger Fans at Vegas Signing

I even called a few of my diehard fans with surprise calls and just a get-to-know-you chat!

I met several of my street teamers in person, as well as at signings and get togethers, and I met several fellow authors whom I talked to and admire.

Rockin' the Holidays Indie Readers Bash Banner Updated

I’ve even had some amazing meetings that I was honored and privileged to have.

Kailin Gow at Amazon Headquarters in Seattle for Lunch

It’s been a Bittersweet Year of Endings and New Beginnings –

Where series were completed, and new ones many of you have asked for, including spin-offs, began.

Here are some Completed Some Series even though I Had a Hard Time Letting Go:

Bitter Frost

Bitter Frost (Book 1 of the Frost Series)


FADE by Kailin Gow

Never Knights

Never Say Never by Kailin Gow

Master Chefs

Devour Me (Master Chefs Series) by Kailin Gow

Wicked Woods Series


The Wolf Fey


You & Me Trilogy

Saving You Saving Me (You & Me Trilogy)

Coming Soon to Completion in 2014 for Now:



The Protege

The Protege (The Protege Series #1) by Kailin Gow

Beautiful Beings

Beautiful Beings by Kailin Gow

Fire Wars

The Fire Wars by Kailin Gow


Desire by Kailin Gow

The Phantom Diaries


Stoker Sisters


There are spin-offs of some of the most beloved series, due to demand, and also a lot more fun and exciting things coming in 2014.

Some will surprise you, while hopefully some will speak to your heart and soul.

It’s been a privilege bringing you these stories and characters.  THANK YOU for joining me along this journey.

So Here’s to a happy, healthy, prosperous, and joyous New Year!!!!

As my Cantonese-speaking friends and relatives would say:

Gong Cha Fa Choi!!!



This Year is a Year Full of THANKS!

Hi Everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving from me and my team at theEDGEbooks.com.

It has been an amazing year of living life to the fullest.


I’ve experienced  being diagnosed with a serious condition and having to spend time to overcome it, if it can be done.  This condition is what Aunt Sookie in my fiction novel, Loving Summer, have so that book is based on some reality.  And Now it is being offered for this week and next at only 99 cents!

It took months to reverse what I have, but through will power, the grace of God, and the support of friends and family; what can be a negative experience was turned into something inspiring.   I am truly grateful for this, and thank God, and everyone who has been praying for me and supporting me for this.

Because of this miracle, I am able to be with my friends and family today.  I am also able to continue writing and producing the book series many of you have come to love and demand from me!

I am truly grateful for your love and support, and can’t tell you how much it means to have you tell me how much you love the books and the characters or how these books have touched your life.  No amount of words or gifts or objects can express what it means for an author like myself to hear that my efforts and sacrifices as an author has actually mean something.

With the deepest sincerely,



The NEVER SAY NEVER (Never Knights Series) Music Video with singer AJ Rafael is Here!

So excited to finally bring to you this collaborated effort between AJ and me.


Here’s the description of the music video:

This is a music video spoof from AJ Rafael and Kailin Gow honoring the 80’s great musician Robert Palmer and other musicians who helped paved the way for music today. Music is still the vehicle of communication and expression it was back then as it is today. AJ Rafael’s Music Speaks brings awareness of the power of music for Autism awareness, while Kailin Gow’s Never Say Never books shows the power of music to heal, grow, and transcend gender roles.  AJ’s nephew has autism, and Kailin’s daughter was diagnosed as being on the spectrum but has recently been diagnosed as no longer on the spectrum. Enjoy!

View the Robert Palmer Simply Irresistible Video so you can see how gender roles has changed!

These guys in the Never Say Never music videos are so awesome and secure in themselves, they help to bring forth the message to other guys and to women, too, that:

“Real Men Are Secure In Themselves.

They Never Use Force.”


This is a message found in the Never Knights Series with Never Say Never being book 1.

What happens when a hot, but strong young woman takes over a band full of hormonal heartthrobs?  – the book series Never Knights is what happens!

Taking the Time to Breathe and Other Announcements

Hi Everyone,
It’s been a while since i’ve posted something personal on my blog (not that having a book birthday isn’t personal), but I wanted this to come straight from me.

I haven’t had the time to do so many things which I should be doing.  Including breathing and sleeping.

I kid you not, breathing.  Breathing as in deep breaths of relaxation, zen, yoga, reflection and meditation.

Sleeping. Well…you know what that is.  Hopefully.  If not, you’re a walking zombie, *cough* insomniac –  like I am.

So I’ve had health issues come up, which I’ve been taking care of for a while.  Yesterday, I found out after months of dedicated life changes – sleeping more, exercising, eating right, relaxing, taking vacations;  I have reversed what I had.  Some say this is a miracle.   People have never heard it can be done.  Well… I’m happy to say, yesterday I analyzed my results with my doctor and nutritionist, and it appears I’m “Normal”.

What do I have?  Here’s a BIG HINT – Aunt Sookie in my book Loving Summer is based on what I have.  With complications that could kill someone instantly, if not watched.

It takes dedication and hard work to reverse this condition, to change the way you look at things, the way you live, to fight it, just like anything else like quitting smoking, quitting drinking, sticking to a schedule to finish writing a book.  But if I can do it, so can you.

So here comes my next announcement:

Balance is the key.  I’m usually good about balancing, but now I know I have to shift a bit to make room for some other awesomeness and experiences to come into my life.  So, I’m going to be slowing down a bit on my release schedules for my books.

The series I have will continue until the end of each, but they have to be staggered out a bit further.   Releasing 3 to 4 books in a month is downright crazy insane busy!!!!  Most authors release that in 2 years…so I realize I could take it slower, relax more, do more yoga.

So I’m cannibalizing myself, plus I didn’t even have the time to send out the ARCs for my last release, Fire Dance until it was released.  Let alone email everyone that it’s out or market it.  So, folks, I’ll spend more time marketing and promoting.

Oh, BTW, Fire Dance is out, and because I haven’t announce it was, it’s out, and I’m now having a Man-Sorry-I-Didn’t-Tell-You-It’s-Out Special at 99 cents for this week and next!

Along with Bitter Frost being 99 cents this week and next! 

Never Land (Never Knights #2)

is on schedule to release this coming Monday, September 24, 2012!  The music video will be released some time after.  Casting has moved to get a well-known actor or singer for the lead so this will take some time to have done, but it’s coming!  (Someone from Twilight or Glee may come  on board or a popular singer or a popular comedian.  Not telling until it gets close. *grins) But it is definitely a music video to watch. Can’t wait until you see it!

Beyond the Books: The Social Impact of Books – The Fire Wars, Saving You Saving Me, and Loving Summer

Yesterday, I found out my YA Dystopian book, The Fire Wars, won Best Teen Book in the 2012 Green Book Festival.  This honor was especially meaningful for me since the Green Book Festival is an “annual competition honoring books that contribute to greater understanding, respect for and positive action on the changing worldwide environment.”

I had written and planned out the series for it to be entertaining (read for pleasure) mostly, and for it to be a dystopian fantasy for young adults and older.  The fact that it was set in a future world where Earth’s land had eroded to the point where all that remain are islands, and the erosion will continue unless one of the characters, the heroine Mackenzy Evers does something about it with Chance Cutter, made this book into more than a romantic dystopian, but one with a social awareness of our environment.  Based on scientific research and historical patterns of the changing earth, this world could very well be the future of Earth.

Again, I’m very honored and am now scrambling to make it up to San Francisco next week for the awards ceremony at the Drake.  It’s a dream come true to write what I write, but to win an award for it, too, is even better!  Believe it or not, I found out about the Green Book Festival last minute through Amazon.com’s recommended festival list.

Meanwhile, Saving You Saving Me, is making waves across the nation on national Top 15 radio talk shows (not internet radio, but radio shows with megawatts frequency, this is very impressive since I used to be a radio station host and getting more frequency was the big thing).  Most of the shows I’ve been on has been the morning drive time, and the next one, is tomorrow morning on WGAU 1340! We will be talking about bullying, abuse, self-esteem, self-confidence, the impact abuse has on children and teens, and more.

Of course, the Saving You Saving Me Project, too!  While Saving You Saving Me can be entertaining because it is a story, it’s considered realistic YA fiction, meaning, there will be social issues in there.  And many that comes up through the Call Center calls, but also in the characters’ lives because it is through helping others, through relating to others, that the characters Sam, Daggers, Derek, and other main characters will finally find their own issues surfacing.

Loving Summer, which releases later this month on May 28, is the summer beach read that is meant to be a bittersweet romance.  Without giving away any spoilers, this one tackles some issues that are more common than not, especially in the U.S.

One of my majors as an undergrad was Social Ecology, which includes psychology, criminology, ecology, and sociology so I’m very aware of societal and psychological issues, especially with individual issues that extend out to affect society as a whole.  You will find some of this in all of my books, but in these 3 books, these issues are somewhat a big part of the plot especially as it relates to the characters’ growth through the book and the series.

I could go on and on about this, but in the end, it’s about you enjoying my books, and if you do see the social growth in these books, then you’ve just made this author’s months and even years of working on these books even more special.  Thank you and Enjoy!


Writing not as an “Author” and not as “Author Kailin Gow” but as a Concerned Parent and Citizen

Just recently, someone accused me of not being a large publisher (I represent a large publisher that publishes over 75 to 100 books a year at least) because I conversed and even stood up to a cyberbully on the internet.  I admit, I’m not one of the established old Big 6 publishers, but by volume of publication, I’m finding out from distributors and from vendors we work with, that we’re among the top 10% in volume.  And in fact, theEDGEbooks.com is in a category almost new to many in publishing. We act and work like an indie (we’re earthy and get down to the nitty gritty like an indie), yet we have big publisher volume and even have the same marketing/advertising/pr resources.  I guess that confuses a lot of people in the publishing and book world. And authors like me tend to be very interactive at the ground level just because we like people.  We’re not told to stop interacting with people, even when we become a “name” in the book industry.

And believe me, many people who are my readers or are bloggers, are just like me, and have aspiring dreams to become an author one day, like I did.  So, when I converse with people, it’s not so much, I’m an “author” and you are “blogger, reader _____ (fill in the blanks), but you and I are both people with daily concerns.

Well, everyone who has been following me know I am a big advocate of anti-bullying. I’ve written a book on it for teens and their parents, Shy Girls Social Club Handbook for Dealing with Bullies and Other Meanies.  I’m also touring on national radio about this, as well as making some video-related media about this. I’m running a workshop for girls about self-esteem issues and are facing bullying issues, too, this summer.  In other words, it’s a topic near and dear to me, and when I speak about it… it’s not about me being an “author” but me being a person – a peer, a parent, a person who want people to know that it takes just 1 person to stand up to bullying in a peer atmosphere to help the person being bullied stand up, too.

So, speaking from the heart, I stepped out of my “author” role and began speaking out against a cyberbully who has been harassing and bullying blogger and author friends of mine for months, even graphically threatening them with violence. Yes, I was also a target of these attacks.  But a brave blogger stepped out and said she wasn’t going to stand for this cyberbully (who was and still is using a fake name and blog on the internet) bashing her friends and accusing authors of false accusations.  I recently stood up with her, and yes, I did get some heat, and even been accused of not being a real author because why would I get involved in something so petty like this.

The thing is… it is not petty to me, when a friend is being bullied.  It is not petty to me, as a parent and a responsible adult when a minor, who is a blogger, is bullied on cyberspace in front of a large book industry audience.

I may not be the conventional, traditional-type author, and I don’t aim to be, if it doesn’t allow for me to be vocal against bullies and people who aid them.  Authors are thought-provokers, they are on the forefront of change and ideas.  To me, it is only natural that authors have strong opinions and thoughts about bullying as well.

And for that blogger who claimed I must not be a real author or even represent a large publisher because I spent some time conversing with her over the internet, this is what I have to say about why I do take the time to touch base with as many people as I can who contacted me:

The 5 REASONS WHY  I Talk to People Personally

Although I have a publicist or two, and even a financial and legal adviser, I get asked this all the time, why do you interact with your readers so much?

1) The answer is simply because I see many of my readers as friends.

They have read my books, understood the story, and have come to love the characters in these stories as much as I do.

I know many of my readers, I share their pain when they lose a loved ones, congratulate them on victories, go through their birthdays and dramas at home and work, and even lend a supporting hand when they’re trying to build their blogs or FB pages. So you see, in other words, a lot of my readers have become friends of mine. They read my books, and they understand me like a friend understands their friend.

People have said I should hire a personal assistant and a secretary to keep track of emails and people’s names. (I get about 100 to 1000 emails a day), and I try to respond to each and every one of them.   I tell these people it’s because most of these emails are from people whom I have already established a kind of relationship with – through reading and sharing a love of common interests.  I figure if you love my books, that’s already a big shared interest.

2) My readers are pretty darn interesting people

I know I may complain about being overwhelmingly busy (I am), but I know my readers are, too.  Many of us are juggling jobs, school, parenting, and more. I feel what you feel and know sometimes that stress can get to any of us, which is why I write the type of books that I do – fun, sometimes crazy, swept-off-your-feet romantic fantasy fiction. They’re the kinds of books I would read for escapism.  That being said, I do appreciate that you’ve spent your time reading my book (although it was a quick read lol) when you could be doing something else.

3) I know how reading can be time-consuming (I’m a reader, too) so I am pretty happy when a reader Facebook me and tells me she just read this or that book and she knows she’ll be one of my biggest fans.  I can’t tell you how incredibly touched I am when someone tells me this. It literally brings tears to my eyes.

Not only does this feel incredible, and I am honored, but I want my readers to know from the bottom of my heart, this:

4) You Make Me, an Author, feel Warm and Fuzzy, too!

When you enjoy my books and even reach out to me to let me know or even write a review about it, it really makes my day.  It makes me feel good about what I’m working hard for, and it makes my editors, graphic designer, and pr/marketing people, happy too.

5) My Readers are Not Only Interesting, but they are Fun, Smart, and Great to Hang Out with!

So, please don’t be a stranger. Come on by and say “Hi”, show up at one of the parties or contests I hold virtually once in a while, usually in celebration of a book release.  And become a Facebook friend of mine and vice versa. I really do want to find out more about you, and consider it a great honor that you’re a reader of mine.


Summer Wishes (DESIRE #1.5) by Kailin Gow will put the “D” in “DYSTOPIAN” – Releases on June 30!!

Hi Everyone,

I’m really excited to bring you Summer Wishes (Desire #1.5) as a DESIRE novella this summer.  If you like Dystopian and YA, you will like Summer Wishes. Where DESIRE tells the story of the perfect utopian society in the year 3010 through Kama Johnson’s eyes, Summer Wishes shows you the cracks in this society in one of the most shocking ways.

On JUNE 30th, Summer Wishes will be released

as an exclusive ebook on Amazon Kindle.

Get this, for the first 3 days, Summer Wishes will be FREE on Amazon, so get it and get it quick before you forget.

It’s my GIFT to you for the Summer for being well, you, my loyal readers and friends.  If you have any doubts how much I love my readers, know that I will not charge an ebook above $9.99 no matter how much marketing dollars and how much time and effort I put into writing the book.  At the same time, because there is significant marketing and because I have to pay a staff who help me with graphics, editing, production, etc., these books will be priced a little over .99 which would be reasonable.  Anyways, read… 5 REASONS WHY to find out how I am committed to this.  So…this will be a blog for another day.

RT (Romantic Times) Booklover Convention Book Signing and Pictures

Posters of Desire and Beautiful Beings at the Romantic Times Booklover Convention 2011 were right next to Rachel Caine’s Morganville Vampires Posters.

The Romantic Times Booklover Convention was a week long convention of meeting some of the romance publishing industry’s top authors, publishers, agents, and even models.

The convention’s highlight for me was definitely the meeting of peer authors and readers.

Here’s me with the sweet and fabulous Ally Carter, author of the Heist Society and  Gallagher Girls.  This picture was taken by the witty and glamorous Holly Black, author of Spiderwick Chronicles, Tithe, The Cursed Workers series, and more.  These fabulous ladies were so much fun! Thank you Holly for taking this photo.

Book Signing

Signing Cecilia’s Autograph Book.  So happy to finally meet up with Fans who have become friends, too.

It was an amazing group. Kerrelyn Sparks sat at a table behind me, Kensington books (publishers of Richelle Mead’s Succubus series and more) authors sat next to me, and straight in front of me was a row of studly men, the male models who modeled for the covers of those steamy romance novels you see everywhere. They were there for the Mr. Romance contest.  I don’t think any of us authors who had to sit in our row would complain about the view.

The book signing event was wonderful and again the best part was meeting my fans and exchanging hugs, like I said I would!

Grateful for Everything! Getting Real…

Hi everyone.  I’m still on Cloud 9 for having an amazing soul-searching breakthrough week. I was honored as a guest on a new talk show to be aired in June on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox affiliates for a highly-respected host (will reveal soon), who has coached leaders around the world, leaders of non-profits and the top corporations. And now he has a new show that gets into the purpose of why we do what we do.

For me, in a heartfelt genuine conversation I had with the host, all captured on television, my purpose and passion for writing and working non-stop to bring about books and stories (through books, television, and film even) is my desire to help girls and women with issues I’ve personally gone through, with issues I’ve experienced.

I’m so grateful that hundreds of thousands of girls and women have discovered my books, and that I’m in the position where producers are excited about bringing my books, me, and my passion to the screen.

In May, I begin taping the first season for my new television talk show EDGEWISE with KAILIN GOW where I will be bringing viewers heartfelt topics, go into the lives of some of my readers, go into the lives of some of the girls/women that I mentor, and more, along with random fun stuff. You will see a side of me you haven’t seen. You will get to know me as someone more than just someone who write young adult fiction. You will see that I am comfortable in my own skin (for the most part) and happy to be who I am.  If I am not, I’ll let you know it.

I have never been so excited about this time in my life (other than the biggest moments in anyone’s life – getting married, having my first child…)

Here is what producers have been saying to me…

“You have so many built-in Oprah moments.”

“Kailin, you are real, you are genuine. You are a woman who has experienced it all!”

I never take anything or anyone for granted. Everything is for a purpose, and I am grateful for it.  So without much adieu, I am always practicing Thanksgiving (minus the Turkey and heavy sleep-inducing stuffing) with my husband, my family, my friends, and readers (why do I give away a lot of giveaways and time?)

So I’m wishing everyone happiness, good health, and love always 😀